Monday, December 10, 2012


I've become hooked on the Discovery Channel series "Moonshiners".  I don't watch a lot of TV so I figure one or two like this as a distraction is OK.

I made a comment on Facebook that I was hooked on this series and as a joke said maybe I'd make Moonshining my next business venture.  I was totally surprised by the number of "Likes" that comment received.

So this morning, on a whim, I googled "How to make moonshine".  LMAO!  There are pages of links to sites with instructions!

I guess if a person wanted to do so, the instructions on making the moonshine are online.  Maybe I need to further refine my search and look up "How to make moonshine and stay out of jail". ;-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Repeal Day!

Today is "Repeal Day", the anniversary of the passing of the 21st Amendment to The Constitution, which when ratified by the States ended Prohibition. Since then, the Federal Government has graciously allowed individuals over the legal drinking age to brew 100 gallons per year of beer and/or wine if they live alone.  If there are 2 or more adults of drinking age or older residing in the residence the limit is 200 gallons a year.  This is for personal consumption with adult friends only, you cannot sell the product.

So when are they going to allow us to distill our spirits?  Probably never, the tax revenues from alcohol are too dear to a Congresscritters heart.

Have a Hic...Hic...Hic...Happy Repeal Day!

Maybe they were right...

What if the Mayans were right, just not in the way most are thinking? 12/21/12 is being forecast as "the end of the world" because of the Mayan calendar supposedly ending on that date. Maybe that date is the day that President Obama and The Congress finally agree on a plan to avoid the "fiscal cliff". Like most hairbrained schemes coming out of Washington, D.C. it will probably have many unintended consequences. What if one of those was a total, worldwide economic collapse? That would surely be "The End Of The World As We Know It". Maybe those making all the fuss about the Mayan calendar aren't so crazy after all? I sure hope they're wrong! :-)